JW's ruined God and religion for me so I don't see any point in taking part of anything that is in any way religious but I do put up lights on the house in winter because it's kind of cheery.
It would have been nice to celebrate holidays as a kid but now, I don't participate in anything that has anything to do with religion. If I'm invited to some sort of holiday party,I'll go but it's not because the holiday means anything to me.
I have always acknowledged my kids birthdays even when I was a JW....never could buy into all that nonsense about John the Baptist etc.
The rest of the holidays such as Valentines day and Mother's day etc seem like a nice thought but they also seem so obligatory and cliche'. I don't like anyone telling me when it's time to give someone else a gift and that I'm a bad guy if don't buy them one, especially if that person is trying to sell something. (luckily my wife agrees)
We celebrate our wedding anniversary without fail.